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Hollyoaks confirms major health story for James – as Ste fears the worst

James sits on the sofa at Weirside View with Ste in Hollyoaks

James Nightingale (Gregory Finnegan) becomes the subject of much concern in Hollyoaks next week following his split from Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson).

The much-loved lawyer, as viewers know, was left devastated earlier this month when he found out that his husband had slept with Rex Gallagher (Jonny Labey) and failed to tell him about it.

Ste was apologetic and promised that it was a mistake but, having been hurt one too many times, James decided that enough was enough as he called time on his marriage.

No, you’re crying.

Ste has taken the split pretty bad and next week Lucas Hay (Oscar Curtis) decides to take matters into his own hands as he plots to reunite his dad and James, with some help from those around him.

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It’s not like Lucas has a holiday to plan for or anything as Dillon Ray (Nathaniel Dass) ultimately fails his driving test, meaning he cannot take his boyfriend to Cornwall as planned!

Outside Dee Valley hospital, both James and Ste find themselves invited to a meeting at Casa McQueen and it doesn’t take them long to work out that they’ve been set up.

Using the opportunity to his advantage, Ste once again pleads for forgiveness, assuring James that he is the love of his life as he begs for one final chance to make things right. James, however, is distraught and simply states that he cannot take any more of this.

Ste refuses to give up and thus turns up at the flat where he finds his husband with painkillers – and worries that he’s planning on misusing them.

Ste pleads with James at Weirside View in Hollyoaks

Leah Barnes (Ela-May Demircan) takes it upon herself to speak to James, concerned about him. James finds her concern touching and thus reveals to his stepdaughter that the pills were simply for a headache, stating that he’s not going anywhere.

Feeling satisfied, Leah relays such a thing to Ste. Afterwards, it looks like Leah is set to be the one to reunite the two men.

James, meanwhile, doses up on painkillers as Ste arrives at Weirside View, pulling out all the stops as he asks James to spend the day with him.

James sits on the sofa at Weirside View in Hollyoaks
James cautiously agrees and waits at The Dog for Ste, who turns up in his wedding outfit, hoping to win his former flame over.

The events of the day in question are shrouded in mystery but subsequent scenes see Leah persist in her mission to reunite the two.

Maxine Minniver (Nikki Sanderson), meanwhile, makes quite a discovery as she confronts James over the reason why he’s changed his will, leaving everything to Ste and the children.

Is James okay? And will Maxine – or his loved ones, for that matter – get to the bottom of what’s going on?

One to watch: Thursday August 29 from 7:30pm on Channel 4 streaming orFriday August 30 at 7pm on E4.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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