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‘Yellowstone’ Fans Split On Major Character’s Fate

Will Jamie die on “Yellowstone”?

This is a question many fans have ahead of the show returning in November for the rest of season five, which will serve as the neo-Western’s conclusion.

The show has been a gritty hit since its 2018 premiere, and fans are expecting a bloodbath by the time the credits roll for the final time.

Every character’s fate appears to be up in the air. Who will live? Who will die? These are the questions fans are debating and one character is under the spotlight:

Jamie Dutton.

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What will Jamie’s fate be in “Yellowstone”?

Personally, I think Jamie is a dead man walking. I’m not sure Taylor Sheridan could even write a believable conclusion that involves Jamie surviving.

How could the adopted Dutton son survive after all the carnage and pain surrounding him and his relationship with the family?

Well, I might be in the minority when it comes to that kind of thinking. A Reddit thread from “Yellowstone” fans is shockingly optimistic that he will survive through the imminently bloody end.

Below are a few of the reactions to his potential fate:

– I hope he does redeem himself even though I don’t like him, otherwise he’ll just be another character without a story arc.
– I want Jamie to win and Beth to die. She deserves it. The character Beth has ruined the show for me the whole time. She is always over the top evil to everything and everyone and it makes no sense and its unbearable to watch. She is the reason that Jamie is seen as the bad person he is but in reality she is the evil person.
– It’s fun to speculate. I like to think rip becomes the full blown villain and monica steps up against him for tate’s sake. I think jamie lives but he’ll be totally cut off from the family forever. Beth becomes completely deranged.
– I think Jamie could and should survive, but he won’t be happy. Beth should die, her and Rip die together (I do love them together even though they are truly terrible people). I would kinda think it funny though if Beth knew she was gonna die and orchestrated some whole scheme where all these legal troubles/bodies come back to Jaime so even though he’s free from Beth, he spends the rest of his life in prison – at peace though. Obviously John’s dead and I’m not that interested in Kayces story, he can be off living on his own small ranch somewhere.
Rip has said repeatedly that when the ranch goes, he goes. So I expect Rip to die at the end, or die when the Ranch is no longer the Dutton ranch.
– Jamie is going to end up with the ranch after saving it.
– I’d like Beth to die from the hands of Jamie. I’d really not like the idea of her and Rip getting a happy ending. I’d like John to get a Tywin Lannister end. No glory whatsoever.
– Should he survive and emerge the victor? Yes. Logically, everything has pointed to that since the pilot episode. Will he? I doubt it. Sheridan may have originally intended for Jamie to live but he seems to have gotten so lazy in the writing and decided to embolden Beth so much that it’s very hard to see how he doesn’t let Beth kill Jamie in some gross, over-the-top fashion. The Beth/Rip fanatics will eat it up and that is clearly who this show pitches to now with all the ridiculous merch they hawk. It will be a dissatisfying ending but given the past few seasons of the show, that tracks.
– I think Jamie survives and him and Kayce take control of the ranch.

Wildly optimistic, right? Certainly much more optimistic than I would have been if I was discussing it. Not only do fans believe Jamie might survive…….but dare I say that’s what the majority believes?

Granted, it’s just Reddit and there’s tens of millions of Americans who watch the show. The broader view might be different, but I was stunned by the reactions on this Reddit thread.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand being sympathetic to Jamie, but believing the character so awesomely played Wes Bentley surviving? That would come as a surprise in a huge way.

The good news is the rest of season five will start dropping in November. It might seem super far away, but it will be here before we know it.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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